S1:E3 - When a HERO Comes Along: Developing Your Psychological Capital

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In this episode, we explore the concept of Psychological Capital (PsyCap). Generally understood under the acronym HERO, PsyCap is an individual’s positive psychological state of development that is characterized by Hope, Efficacy, Resiliency, andOptimism

We deep dive into each of the PsyCap components to understand the importance of each and how they impact our ability to be successful in both our personal and professional lives and our ability to be effective leaders. In understanding PsyCap we take ownership of the development of our psychological resources.

If you would like to read more, head over to the corresponding blog post.

I’d love your feedback on these episodes, so please connect with me on instagram or send me an email at info@waajidasmall.com. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment on this platform or whichever platform you listen. Till next time…

Music by Cassette Tapes - This Year Master via @hellothematic, and @iamryanlittle- Choose Wisely via @hellothematic


S1:E4 - The Realities of Perception with Tanya J. Miller


S1:E2 - Maintaining Authenticity When Everyone Says You Should Change